Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing diseases in the United States, with an estimated 300,000 cases per year
Patients can suffer debilitating symptoms such as cardiac failure, severe musculoskeletal pain, and neural impairment, including memory and cognitive loss
There is currently no consistently reliable diagnostic test for Lyme—what does exist is incredibly inaccurate and misses the disease as often as it finds it
Therapy effectiveness varies and there are no safe vaccines
Improve outcomes
Improve quality of life
Reduce medical expenses
Save lives
The current standard blood test for Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdoferi and others, is laborious and is lacking in sensitivity, correctly identifying approximately only 29—40 percent of patients who have a skin rash commonly associated with tick bites. Furthermore, at least 20 percent of patients never develop a skin rash. The current test is also unable to distinguish between active and past infections, nor is it able to reliably identify the presence of the pathogen.
Fortunately, there is a solution in the making. The Borrelia Provocation Procedure (BPP) (Patented) is a simple pretesting procedure, which combined with a previously unused testing method, accurately detects an active Lyme disease infection. Using only neutral substances and a uniquely designed application device, the BPP also rules out dormant infections for patients who have previously been successfully or unsuccessfully treated for Lyme. The BPP also has the potential of effectively treating Lyme disease by making antibiotics more effective.
In addition, the same harmless procedure (BPP) will work just as effectively on domestic animals including the estimated average 2,340,000 new cases of canine Lyme each year. In addition to these cases, the BPP could relieve the suffering for cats and horses as well.
Lyme Relief Program, LTD is working hard to make this vision a reality.

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